Characterization of Microbasurals in the Bonaerense Conurbano.


  • Liliana Sanchez Villar Dirección Provincial de Residuos OPDS


municipal management, microgarbage, urban solid waste


The increase in the generation of waste and its management is a challenge for local governments, since the different obstacles such as the lack of resources and the high budgets that imply the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of them, among others, have generated a panorama of open-air garbage dumps in their territories. Therefore, this article aims to characterize the micro-garbage dumps present in the San Juan stream, in the Florencio Varela district. Through the use of tools of a Geographic Information System (GIS) and field work, it was identified that the micro-garbage dumps were permanent or chronic in areas where the access roads to the stream were in poor condition or also in areas where the bank of the stream had been occupied by homes or popular neighborhoods. This unplanned urban explosion has not only caused an increase in waste, but has also increased the stream flow due to sewage discharges from neighboring homes, causing flood problems.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 27-07-2021


How to Cite

Sanchez Villar, L. . (2021). Characterization of Microbasurals in the Bonaerense Conurbano. Ambiente En Diálogo, (2), e027. Retrieved from (Original work published June 21, 2021)