Waste of Electrical and Electronic Devices, Progress Or Failure?


  • Contanza Macarena Burastero Dirección Provincial de Residuos, Organismo Provincial para el Desarrollo Sostenible (OPDS) de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


electronic waste, programmed obsolescence, urban mining, extended producer responsibility, e-waste, waste management


This article proposes a brief description of the current management of WEDs in the Province of Bs. As., Arg. From the methological point of view, data are compiled from secondary sources, statistics and reports on global and local trends. At the same time, a normative analysis of the Nation, Province of Buenos Aires and Public Policies is carried out. Finally, recommendations are proposed to start the path that must be followed to deal with the problem. The consumption of these new devices brought with it an alarming global problema called: “Electronic waste”, also known as e-waste. It is a problem directly proportional to the increase in technological development that we see in our daily lives. Every time we accede to a new ED, the consumer`s thinking is based on the análisis of the benefit associated with its use or implementation. Most consumers are unaware of the consequences associated with the generation process and, subsequently, the process that must take place once it becomes a e-waste. The impact of technological development on the environment will sooner or laterbecome an issue that has to be taken care of.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 02-08-2021


How to Cite

Burastero, C. M. . (2021). Waste of Electrical and Electronic Devices, Progress Or Failure?. Ambiente En Diálogo, (2), e023. Retrieved from http://ojs.opds.gba.gov.ar/index.php/aed/article/view/29 (Original work published June 21, 2021)