Separation at source of waste, analysis on municipal ordinances


  • Juan Ignacio Moreno Dirección Provincial de Residuos, Organismo Provincial para el Desarrollo Sostenible (OPDS) de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


separation at source, waste, environment, municipal ordinances


The aim of this article is to highlight the relevance of understanding that whatever regards environmental problems, is indeed a social issue (given the fact that it has a massive impact on human´s quality of life). That being said, waste management requires public policies that will actively seek solutions. Given the increase in the production of residues, the “waste separation at source” is introduced as a necessity in order to reduce the effects that this sort of pollution has upon the environment. Consequently, the previously mentioned practice will be treated comparatively according to municipal current legislation in Buenos Aires province. Alternatives will be provided after the analysis which will be focused on promoting the waste separation at source.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 27-07-2021


How to Cite

Moreno, J. I. . (2021). Separation at source of waste, analysis on municipal ordinances. Ambiente En Diálogo, (2), e021. Retrieved from (Original work published June 21, 2021)